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Result Details

1. Promotion into class IX, XI, Madhyamik Test and Higher Secondary Test is based on the whole year's performance in academics and attendance.

2. Normally a student should pass in all subjects. He may be considered for promotion even if he passes in all subjects.

3. Classes V to VIII: Promotion is based on the three continuous Assessments ( CCE Method)

4. Grades: A1: Exceptional (90-100), A2: Excellent (80-89), A3 Outstanding (85-89), B1: Distinction (80-84), B2 Very Good (75-79), B3: Good (70-74), C1: Fair (60-69), C2: Average (50-59), D: Satisfactory (40-49), E: Needs improvement (35-39), F: Unsatisfactory (0-34).